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Story of transformation

If I were to describe my life, I'd say it is a miraculous transformation. Witnessing the possibilities become reality, I understood that each moment is an ever unfolding opening towards change. When we let go of ideas we can become something completely new and unlimited, unknown and undefined. 

It Means Nothing About Me

Hello, my name is Izabela.

​ Through my experiences as a student of life and  artist on a path to responsible creation I have learned how to surrender to embodying myself in each moment. I used to believe that opinions of others, my own circumstances and thoughts meant something about me. As my mind expanded to new horizons, I learned that nothing is in fact, about me at all. I am just an observer of  the life unfolding, of myself becoming.


​I would like to invite you to learn to surrender to being you in each moment. By creating freely and surpassing the judgments of the mind, we focus our attention on being present. The gifts of now are what always brings me back to inner alignment and peace. 


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