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Emotional Authority in Human Design (Part 1- "The Awareness" )

Writer's picture: Izabela LizonIzabela Lizon

Updated: Dec 12, 2019

How to use your Emotional Authority correctly? What does it mean to have a wave? And most importantly, how not to get swayed away by the overwhelming emotions?

This article is the first from the series on Authorities. It is written in three parts. Part 1 covers the information about the emotional wave and how to start observing your emotions. Part 2 explains more in How to increase your Awareness. Part 3 covers specific tips on Using the Emotional Authority correctly.

If you are new to Human Design, please check my previous article about the Strategy: What is Strategy and Authority in Human Design?

Read about Parents/ Children Dynamics in this article.

You are looking at your chart or a chart of someone you know and you noticed that a triangle on the right of the chart is coloured brown. What does that mean? You wonder. This triangle is a symbol of your Solar Plexus on your Human Design Body Graph.

Don't have a graph? Get your free Body Graph here:

Notes about Solar Plexus

"Human Beings have the right to be their own Authority." Ra Uru Hu

Emotional Authority is the most common and most influential authority on our planet. A whopping 50% of us have a Solar Plexus defined! If a Solar Plexus is defined, it automatically becomes an Authority. It is because it is the strongest energy influence.

Understanding your emotions

The old, Newtonian world view told us we are made out of the mass: organs, blood and different systems running inside our physical body. This is, of course, true and the medical science has made much progress in dealing with the symptoms we experience on a physical plane.

But we are also much more then just our bodies. We are vibrational, energy beings.

The Einsteinian model showed us that there are invisible forces that have a very real effect on our bodies. For instance, now we know about magnetic and gravitational forces. There is still so much science can not explain, but we know it's true. The most perfect example is our ability to sense emotions.

Sensing Emotions examples:

  • You entered a room or an office and you instantly felt uneasy

  • You looked at the people there and you could literally tell there was a difficult emotion, perhaps a conflict, between them

  • You were driving and you sensed the other driver's annoyance with you

  • This is very common and will likely happen to you if you pay close attention

  • Some people are more aware then others of this experience, but all sense it, knowingly or not

Key Points about Solar Plexus:

  1. Solar Plexus is both an Awareness Center and a Motor

  2. When defined, it is the most influential force for the individual, but it also affects others

  3. It is crucial to understand and use Emotional Authority correctly

  4. 50% of people who have it, literally influence the rest of the world

  5. With awareness of the emotions and mindful observation without attachment comes the ability to use it as an Authority

The Steps Towards Awareness

I believe it is not possible to master this authority until one is aware of the emotions. Otherwise, how else can you tell when you're on the wave if you don't even feel it yourself?

The road to awareness is tricky: from my experience, most people that I encountered with emotional authority have difficulty with recognizing their emotions.

This is my personal story:

  • my solar plexus is open (this means it has no active gates in it)

  • I lived with emotionally defined people my whole life

  • I was labeled as the most emotional and "sensitive" out of my siblings

  • That's because I could feel and see the emotions of others confusing them for my own

From my experience it is difficult for a person with the defined solar plexus to be fully aware of the emotions they are feeling. The difficulty likely comes from conditioning- being told not to be too emotional and growing up in a culture where emotions are not recognized and acknowledged. On the other hand, a person with undefined or open solar plexus may be acutely aware and feel the emotions of others! It is easy to mistake the emotions of others as your own.

In my childhood, my brother who is a Manifesting Generator with defined Solar Plexus would notice how reactive I was to his emotions. He learned to use this to his advantage and come to me to "feel out" his emotions. I would act out on them, cry, dramatize and throw a complete "fit" while he just smiled and relaxed. He admitted to me recently that he was doing it all intentionally! No wonder I was considered emotional, I had no idea those emotions were not mine!

Please note: There are plenty of people with defined solar plexus who are very aware of their emotions. I applaud you and I think you are doing phenomenal job working on your awareness! I personally know many people who have done tremendous amount of self- improvement work and helped others understand the complexity of the Solar Plexus.

What is Emotional Wave?

"The greatest gift that can come to anyone with defined emotional system is that the recognition that wave is there, and there is nothing one can do about it, other then just let it be what it is." Ra Uru Hu

Defined Solar Plexus

  1. In Human Design the Emotional Wave is literally the Channel in your graph that connects your Solar Plexus with the other centers.

  2. You can have one or more channels which means having one or multiple "waves".

  3. Your purpose in this life is to observe the emotions and learn from them.

  4. By gaining awareness and finding clarity you will make the right choices in life.

The wave

  • top of the Wave- Enjoyable Emotions- they can feel"yummy": joy, excitement, happiness

  • bottom of the Wave - Challenging Emotions- we tend to avoid them because they are harder to experience: sadness, anger, disappointment, frustration etc

  • clarity- the feeling of understanding after intense emotions subside

Try to think of the emotions in these categories rather then traditional way of seeing things as "negative" and "positive" because the way we think of our emotions makes a difference on the subconscious level. For example if we see the anger as "negative" we may be more likely to avoid it and avoid acknowledging it.

Visit a specialized therapist who works with subconscious mind or a Human Design Consultant

If you feel your emotions are too overwhelming or you don't know where to start, don't hesitate to reach out for help! At Harmony Wellness you will find tremendous resources and multiple practitioners who can direct you in your journey.

Questions? Message us, we'll be happy to answer!

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