The energy field around and in your body is easily affected by subtle changes. Though the results may not be visible right away, eating the right way will keep you balanced in the long run. This approach is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tai Chi principles of Yin and Yang duality of food properties. Learn how to stay balanced throughout the year and don't get sick! This article will teach also you how to eat according to your Human Design Energy Type.
Your health starts on your plate. We all know it, but what to believe? With so many fab diets and mixed nutritional advice, it is hard to navigate the world and really know what is the right way to eat. I believe it doesn't have to be that complicated, because you are the one who has all the answers! That's right, your body is the best adviser, and there is a big reason why "food systems" and "diets" are not one size fits all approach and never can be.
Just as your Human Design chart is different from everyone else, so is your body. That is why looking at someone else's plate for inspiration is the worst thing you can do. Instead, look inside, ask yourself: what do I really want to eat right now? What will nourish and supplement my energy? Use your Strategy and Authority to make the best choices for yourself!
As long as you are sticking to some simple rules of Yin and Yang energy balance throughout the year, you can make the best choices for your meals. Here's how to do it.
Winter Survival Food Guide
Follow those tips and you may never catch a cold this winter! Yes, colds are caused by viruses, but if the viruses can not thrive, they will simply stand no chance to host inside your body. Here are the basic guidelines to never catch a cold this winter!
Dress appropriately. Perhaps you remember your mom telling you to put on a hat and gloves before you left the house? As you got older, you realized the value of this advice and now you always wear a hat, but somehow you still catch the cold! It might be because you are not wearing other protective layers- most importantly: long johns and extra layer around the kidneys. Long johns tucked into the socks will protect your major arteries on your legs from cold wind invasion. The trick is to wear it every day starting in September and ending in May here in Canada. Yes, even on the warm days! What may seem warm temperature wise doesn't necessary mean the same in terms of the energy of the Earth. When the Earth cools and dampens, the cold wind invasion is the most common cause of sickness. On the other end, the vest or extra layer around your kidneys will protect your kidney energy from being depleted. Do you ever feel the chill at the back? This is the start of weakening of your immune system and should be a sign you should add layers to your clothing.
Drink only warm liquids. This is crucial because in North America we drink ice cold beverages, which is equivalent to drinking pure poison! Ask any traditional Chinese and they will tell you they only drink warm water, even in the summer. In fact, in many traditional cultures people only drink warm beverages to stay balanced and healthy.I remember my grandma always warned me against eating or drinking food straight from the fridge. You may not notice it as much right away, but eventually your body's immune system weakens more and more. Opt out of Coke and Ice Tea and instead drink warm teas throughout the winter and see how often you will catch the cold!
Eat balanced diet with majority of Yang energy foods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin foods are considered cold and Yang foods are considered warm. There is also a variety of neutral foods that are used for balancing. Good diet consists of variety of foods. However, in the winter months we should be consuming Yang foods to warm from the inside out. Imagine that the weather outside is freezing and your body is fighting to keep warm. Then you eat a cold salad and drink a cold shake. Now you're weakening your body from the inside by cooling it even more and it has to work extra hard! Follow us at #tangibletransformations for daily tips and meal ideas.
Eating According to your energy type in Human Design
For all the energy types, just as important as to what you eat is HOW you eat it. It's best to cook your own food, being mindful and grateful in the process. Really cherish the ingredients and thank them for coming into your life. Savour each bite, eat slowly and do not talk during meals. Your full attention should be on the food and nourishing your body. Create a quiet gratitude energy inside you throughout the entire meal.
Energy Types
Generators and Manifesting Generators:
This energy type burns out the most energy as they generate. What that means is that large amounts of high calorie foods should be consume to sustain the generating. I would caution you though to not fall into the trap of eating processed foods and foods with empty calories. The calorie source matters! The best choices for high calorie foods are:
complex carbohydrates
beans and legumes
This means that they must consume large amounts of those foods to feel balanced and have enough energy to generate. For example my husband eats beans 2-3 times a day to feel most optimal. He also puts nut butters and hemp butter into his shakes.
In the winter, make sure you eat mostly warm foods. I keep telling my husband that his shakes are what causes him congestion in his chest as they are a cold food. He started to notice a change when he created a warm shake and found his energy was better balanced.
For hydration, drink warm herbal tea such as ginger, lemon tea, warming spice teas such as cinnamon. You may be OK with drinking coffee, but it is a strong diuretic and it dehydrates the body so it's best be avoided.
Manifestors are also an energy type, but they do not have a sacral center that burns a lot of energy. As such, they should follow a simpler diet and avoid overeating. Instead, they should eat smaller meals more frequently. Manifestors should follow their Authority on choosing their food and only eat what resonates with them. Even though they can easily get away with eating whatever they wish simply because their energy can turn a harmful food into a nourishing food for them, the best food choices for Manifestors are:
cooked vegetables
complex carbohydrates
seeds (small amount)
nuts (small amounts)
Stay hydrated with warm teas such as ginger tea throughout the cold months!
Non Energy Types
Projectors are very sensitive to subtle energy changes. They are designed to know and understand the energy of other people so they are naturally equipped to be receptive. This can cause the projectors big problems and imbalance in their energy. Most projectors I know are sensitive to the pollutants in food and types of food such as diary, gluten and meat. In fact, projectors should stay away from animal products to experience the most optimal health.
Important factor for the projector is to eat frequently and in small amounts. Mental and classic projectors are especially affected by larger amounts of food and wrong type of calorie source as they do not have any energy center. The energy projector may get away with more then the other two types.
Foods best eaten by projectors are well balanced meals, eaten in small quantities but more frequently. Use your authority to check if you're hungry and only eat until you feel satisfied. Overeating is creating imbalance and will cost you later so why pay the price? Best foods for projectors are:
cooked vegetables
complex carbohydrates
beans (moderate amounts)
seeds (small amount)
nuts (small amounts)
For staying hydrated, drink ginger tea or lemon water. Avoid coffee as it will give you "the borrowed energy" for which you will pay later.
Out of all the energy types, Reflectors are the most vulnerable on subtle changes because of how open their chart is. They also reflect any changes in their environment, so it is extremely important for them to eat a balanced and healthy diet. Follow the same guidelines as Projectors:
cooked vegetables
complex carbohydrates
beans (moderate amounts)
seeds (small amount)
nuts (small amounts)
It is important for reflectors to use their outer authority to determine what foods are good to eat. This will be largely dependent on the area of the globe you live. Eat the foods that are in season and grown in your climate for the most optimal nutrition.
Questions? Message us if you have any questions or suggestions!
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