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What is a Strategy and Authority in Human Design?

Writer's picture: Izabela LizonIzabela Lizon

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

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You have your chart and know your energy type, now what? It is normal to have many questions and wonders! Make sure to book a visit with a Human Design consultant for one on one guidance or join one of the workshops offered at Harmony Wellness Collective.

This article covers the very basic introduction to Strategy use in Human Design. It also covers some advice on how to teach children to use their strategy in the right way. It is very important that we teach our children to take full charge of their life! When Ra Uru Hu introduced the Human Design System, he emphasized that this system is for the new generation of people who will use it from the very beginning of their life.

However, it is not too late for grown ups to change! If you are ready to dive into the experiment of using your energy correctly you will see changes happening soon. The first step is to use your strategy and authority correctly.

"It doesn't matter what you know. It matters what you live. Follow your strategy and authority." Ra Uru Hu

What is Strategy and Authority?

Human Design can be overwhelming to the newcomers because it uses a lot of terminology. There is a reason for this language as it clarifies and distinguishes the system from other systems, however at first it may seem confusing. When I first learned about HD I was confusing the strategy with authority and vice versa. After living my design for several months, I have a better understanding of what they are and how they work.

A Strategy is closely related to your Aura type. Your Aura is very specific to your type. This means that Manifestors have a different Aura then Generators and as such, they have a different strategy. The strategy is the best and optimal way to use the Aura's energy to be aligned and attract right experiences to you. It can be helpful to think of your Strategy as a "Method", or "Instructions" on how to use your energy.

On the other hand, your Authority is very specific to your chart and can vary greatly within the same type. This means that two different Generators may have 2 different Authorities. Even though the Strategy is the same for them, their Authorities are different. The Authority is like the "Key" or a "Tool" that unlocks the Strategy. If you think of it in terms of making something, your Strategy is a set of "Instructions" on how to make it, and your Authority is a "Key" that is best used to make it. If you use the right "Key" you will direct the energy the right way for your specific design. More specifically, your Authority it is based on specific defined centers in your chart.

Strategy and Authority go hand in hand. Using them correctly will start up the process of aligning the Auric energy in the way that is optimal for you. Think about it, if you always had the energy but didn't know how to use it, how often would you experience frustration, anger, bitterness or disappointment? The answer for most people is: quite often! The reason for this is that different types have different Aura energy and lack of understanding how to use it leads to resistance. Also, using the wrong "Key"- most likely our Mind- leads to all sorts of frustrations.

Luckily, now you have the knowledge from your chart to have a better understanding and gain more awareness into using your energy the right way. Knowing is one thing, using it is another. It takes on average 7 years to "decondition"- be fully aware and use your energy correctly. Throughout the process, the most important is the very basic, using your Authority and Strategy correctly.

Many people who are new to Human Design would like to know every thing and think they will gain the wisdom from studying and learning the system through reading whatever information they can find. The truth is, you can not learn until you live it. Only through experiencing it yourself you will gradually start observing the changes. I know the gates and channels are so tempting to explore! They seem to hold the mystery to who we are, but really non of this information matters until you do use your energy correctly.

What's Your Strategy?

Your strategy is closely related to your type and your Aura. Depending on what your Aura looks like, the Strategy is the best way for you to act when making decisions. This refers mostly to big decisions in life like a relationship, a new job, moving to a new house etc. Although you do not need to use your strategy for "small" decisions like what to eat or wear, for most of us it is actually possible! Of course, if you are a Reflector you can not wait a whole month before deciding whether or not you'd like to eat Chinese for dinner but observing how the thought of Chinese feels throughout the cycle will only give you more information about yourself.

Strategies are specific to the Types:

Manifestor- To Inform

Generator- To Respond

Projector- To Wait for the Invitation

Reflector- To Wait through the Lunar Cycle

Manifestor's Strategy- To Inform

  1. energy is repelling and pushes things out of the way

  2. other people can feel it and be frightened not knowing what it is

  3. informing really allows the Manifestors to do what they need to do in a more peaceful way

Manifestor children:

  1. need to ask for permission and use manners

  2. teach them from early ages to always ask before heading out of the house or going ahead with their plan

  3. teach them to think about who will be impacted by their actions

  4. caregivers should in turn inform the child about what consequences their actions will have

This will teach them compassion from an early age and make them better equipped to deal with others in the later years.

Generator's Strategy- To Respond

  1. energy is open and inviting

  2. aura attracts people and events to you

  3. when right things and people come, you respond

  4. wait and believe that the right things will come, don't initiate

Generator Children:

  1. need to learn to wait and to respond or not

  2. allow them to use their sacral sounds

  3. help them to recognize what their true passion is

  4. teach them how to be assertive and say no if their energy is contracting

Projector's Strategy- Wait for the Invitation

  1. energy is focused and penetrating

  2. it can feel intrusive if not invited

  3. goes deep into the other people's aura to get to know and understand them

  4. absorbs subtle energies from the others

Projector Children:

  1. invite them to speak and play with you

  2. encourage them to follow their interests and passions

  3. their knowledge and talents will attract attention

  4. teach them to accept invitations that feel right

  5. teach them how to withdraw and discharge their energy when they are overwhelmed

Reflector's Strategy- To Wait full Lunar Cycle

  1. energy is like a teflon- nothing sticks to it

  2. it takes samples from the environment and people

  3. the health is affected by the environment

  4. it reflects back on what the energies are

  5. needs to wait full moon cycle to make an important decision

Reflector Children:

  1. it is crucial to teach them how to observe their changes with the moon cycle

  2. allow them to change the environment if it feels unhealthy (such as school)

  3. teaching them to discharge and rest alone will help them preserve their energy

  4. allow them to observe and respect the lunar cycle before making a decision

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